Main Quiz of NMO Season-5, Scheduled on Sunday, 15th October 2023 3:00PM IST

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"Be the character you wanted to meet"

Q. Dear Ms. Dixit, you have worked at various HR Positions across IT industry, and now transitioned into an effective HR Leader, can you please help our readers/viewers, with your opinion on “How someone should look at career decisions in their initial years”?

In my understanding, one should always prioritise the learning opportunities over other benefits which many industries offer in the initial years of their career. Gradually, that will open the gates for plethora of great career paths in future along with benefits. Skilled resources have always been in the demand in the market, so one should focus on acquiring skills and knowledge in the beginning of their career.

Although, career is one such platform which offers constant learning and skill enhancing opportunities. One should always be open for that. It’s not just about the beginning of the career.

Secondly, Consistency in one’s effort should be paramount. Do not let the zeal die of achieving something if one plan does not go well. Focus on strengths & self-improvement.

Q. What are the biggest professional challenges you faced and how did you overcome that?

It has been a roller coaster ride so far; countless learnings & constantly evolving as a professional. Being a Human Experience professional, it was imperative for me to discover the real meaning of HR in my own way rather than just being a policy and process-oriented person. Finding a synergy between the resources & business is at times extremely difficult, and I have been an eye-to-eye with that many a times. But that’s the beauty of this journey - you learn from your mistakes & stay curious to look for solutions which will keep the resources & the business aligned to each other.

Q. – Ms Dixit, as You lead your current organisation’s HR Vertical as Director HR, as a leader what are the 3 most important action points you always follow?

My schedule always begins by outlining my own “to do” list of my goals for the day & making sure to check all the boxes before I sign off for the day. This not only helps me in better planning, execution & achieving my expectations for the day, but also allows to go to bed with a sense of satisfaction
I have always been a data driven person. The simple maths helps to uncover the facts and gives me clear understanding and correct insights to make right decisions at work.
As rightly said, little breaks go long way. A brief break in the workday is a chance to push the restart button. I always make sure to find one for myself. Too often, the time we have for actual work is taken up by emails, meetings, and minor tasks that seem to take us nowhere. Breaks help me to process information and retrospect. A simple break while sipping a cup of coffee or a quick catch up with a colleague can contribute immensely for a well oriented and productive day!

Q. What are the biggest mistake/s an aspiring leader who is at the start of her/his career, should avoid?

Any leadership position comes with great responsibilities and expectations. To excel in such a role, one should be empathetic to people, circumstances and situations. While its unavoidable to take robust decisions in the face off crisis, a leader should focus on the value of his/her human resources, their trusts, and the necessity for their upscaling.

Most people are more in love with the idea of being seen as the leader than nurturing and inculcating actual leadership qualities. There is no real school for leadership! A leader values a systematic approach towards a long-term goal and empower those around them to do and show great work.

A leader never shies away from self-confrontation. They constantly optimize for a better response in others, and measure how they can be more effective themselves. That’s the sort of leader one should strive to be. Leadership is not about taking control, but of effective delegation!

Ms. Manisha Dixit

Ms. Manisha Dixit HR Director AT - Ms. Manisha Dixit view linkedin profile

Q. What are some initiatives you have taken as a POSH certified HR Professional?

As a human resource practitioner, I have always been eager to learn this Act in detail, and I am glad I could do that

Few initiatives I have taken as POSH certified practitioner -

My current organization has always been fully compliant & have zero tolerance towards any kind of harassment across the organization. Culture is one of our strongest values. After, I certified, I started taking all the sessions myself to ensure all the employees are aware about the Act. We have a fully effective committee to address any harassment issues. This certification made me delve more into it and review our existing policy & relevant processes to ensure full compliance.
I helped many HR fraternity friends to implement this in their organizations as well. After all, its everyone’s responsibility to make the world a better place where everyone can work with full dignity. Many times, I also provide unrecompensed sessions on the importance of this matter.
Post certification, I planned training sessions for my team as it was important for me to render the knowledge to the team.

Q. - If you must give some life advice, what would you suggest to your 20 years old self?

I would say to myself, “You can’t be the protagonist in everyone’s life you wish for, but you can definitely be the role changer of your own. So don’t waste it in dogma; don’t chase someone or someone else’s dreams; chase your own dreams and goals. Revive in your financial independence. Be the character you wanted to meet.”

Q.Kindly Rate below parameters in Work from Home Environment. (On scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is least and 10 is best)

A. Productivity – 8
B. Mental Health – 6.5
C. JOB satisfaction – 6.5
D. Team Co-ordination - 7
E. Ideation – 8.5


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