CEO Submission BCS Final 03

NMO Season 1

education for all

Submission Date & Time : 2019-04-21 11:51:38

Submitted By: Poonam jangid - CEO From Team Mary Kom

BCS Solution Summaryto develop a platform to make education reach for all

The history of Indian education has its roots to the ancient ages where they followed the Gurukul system – a system where the students resided in the house of their teacher until the teacher felt that he has imparted all that he could. The subjects taught varied from Sanskrit to Scriptures to Mathematics to Metaphysics and the knowledge attained would be passed on to the future generations. However, this system was changed during the Colonial era when the British set up schools that followed a curriculum confined to subjects such as Mathematics, Science etc. While the ancient system included more interaction with the nature, the modern system was more classroom oriented.

the present education system in india starts from the early child hood days.The system includes three stages: pre-primary, primary and middle level

Schools play a vital role in shaping a person’s social and professional growth. The conventional schools in India focus on nurturing the children to face the competitive world outside. Examinations and assignments are encouraged by them as tools to assess the capability of the students. Whether a child was knowledgeable or not depended on the marks he/she scored. Many activists today who oppose the Indian Education system are of the opinion that the schools teach the students in learning things by-rote and not to understand things through application



Dr Saroj Kumar Dutta

I can see a great change in your submission in comparison to previous round submissions. Well Done!!


All the best


All the best

Chandra Shekar N

All the best


Al de v bst.


Nice presentation


Poonam jangid

Education, Tutor Kle degree college

A research aspirant And business administrator