Head of Marketing Department Submission BCS 01

NMO Season 1

Marketing Solutions for Selco

Submission Date & Time : 2019-03-24 06:10:03

Submitted By: Rahul Kumar - Head of Marketing Department From Team Shashtri

BCS Solution Summary3 steps marketing strategy

Penetrating deeper into your current customer base. Start by performing a market segmentation analysis to identify the customer segments that are more likely to buy so you can focus your sales and marketing efforts on these segments.

This analysis will divide your customers into segments based on the criteria we choose for SELCO (age, gender, location, buying history, etc.) so you can analyze their potential profitability when it comes to selling them new products and services. Armed with this information, you can better allocate your sales and marketing dollars.Most businesses target their sales and marketing efforts to specific customer markets based on demographics like age, gender, and location. like interests, activities, and values.The Internet is the best example of how a new sales and delivery channel can transform a small business. Countless companies have reinvented themselves to take advantage of online opportunities — from brick-and-mortar retailers opening online stores to service providers who are able to reach a much broader audience by advertising online and using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to rank highly in Web searches conducted by the prospective customers.The condition of the economy doesn’t have to dictate  business growth and expansion plans. Consider we can implement one or more of these strategies to put your company on the fast track to expansion today.

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Manish Raj

The explanation is missing!! Can 5 Year plan be one page?


Rahul Kumar

, Institute of Technical Education and Research